Monday, June 4, 2007


Hello blog fans! I'm back after too long an absence. I was in Paris with my job for a couple of weeks, then after 5 hectic days at home, went to India to visit The Travelling Macbook and Datchet Diva (links aside).

The garden is now blooming (and would be even more had not some rascal pinched two plant pots from beside our front door two nights ago - grr!) and thanks to my parents-in-law was reigned in from it's meadow-like state in time for my return home. It does now need a weed though, and the grass needs cutting again, so my aim is to do that if it stays dry on my days off this week.

I will give a compost update in due course too. It needs a good stir, and I left the lid off last week for a day or two so some rain could get in as it was all looking rather dry. The stuff at the very bottom looks to be about the right colour/consistency, so I"m hopeful...ish!

I've also, being unable to close the drawers, finally defrosted our freezer so it should be running more eco-efficiently now. Just in time for being filled with ice-cream!

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