Thursday, April 12, 2007

Going greener....abroad

I'm currently in Paris for a couple of weeks with my job (hard life, I know). I flew here (bad, but cheaper than the train which is what it unfortunately boiled down to), but am walking/using public transport to get around everywhere (good). I can now vouch for the efficacy of sterilizing tablets for cleaning my mooncup (see previous post 'One for the girls'), but am suffering from a guilt complex re recycling my rubbish!

I brought with me a gorgeous Radley shopping bag, which I'm using in the little shops near to my apartment. France has yet to fully succumb to the lure of a Tesco metro on every corner, and there are still plenty of independent shops all specialising in one or two types of produce, even in the centre of Paris. However, I'm still reliant on supermarkets for most bottled/canned products and its this packaging which is causing me angst, especially as BBC World which is beamed to my tv 24/7 is running a special series of Climate Watch progammes...

Anyway, I guess it shows how used I've become to recycling at home, which is a good thing, in that now the thought of not being able to do the same here is an anathema. I have seen some bottle banks on street corners, so will have to scope out the nearest ones. Cans are still a quandy, although I think I may have spotted a paper recycling bin on the way home from the office today...Not sure of the system in terms of bin ownership - perhaps I ought to go out under the cover of darkness!!

Paris really is beautiful at this time of year, and I guess careful waste disposal plays an important role in keeping it that way. I shall let you all know if I achieve recycling succes...!


Fiona said...

Bon Chance!

Anonymous said...

Having read your Paris blog with interest, you are quite right in that there is nowhere to recycle cans. I shall make that my No 1 recycling priority and keep looking for you.

J said...

Thanks Ros!!

Jennie Ewing says hi to you and Jon by the way

Anonymous said...

I have found some excellent recycling facilities - alas, not in Paris, but in Fontainebleau, a 45 minute train ride away. Three bins outside each house, and one for tins! Will keep scouting round in Paris.


Anonymous said...

I read your blog (and those attached) regularly, being a fellow eco-warrior, however I note with some despair that you appear not to be as eco-friendly as you make out! Recent trips, no doubt by plane, to Paris, two Indian cities (surely trips between these are possible by train) and a mention of Las Vegas, not exactly eco-friendly and sure to leave a carbon footprint no-one would be or should be proud off!

J said...

Thanks for you latest comment Ros - encouraging!!

Anon: I take your points, but as I said in my very first post back in January, I'm not an eco-zealot. I do what I can but I don't profess to be greener than green.

With regard to my trip to Paris, that was for work and I have no control as to the mode of transport used to get there.

The world in which we live is fascinating and travel gives us a wonderful opportunity to see many of its glories. Whilst in an ideal world more travel would be done via sea and land the reality is for many of us that time or money simply does not allow us this option.

A train from Mumbai to Chennai takes over 5 hours each way, in 40 degree heat. 10 hours travelling time in order to spend 36 hours somewhere seems to be to be rather an uneven balance!

Anonymous said...

An uneven balance it may be, but surely it is worth it for the sake of the environment? That, or take time to find out what a fascinating country we live in, something many people fail to consider!